BE THE ENG AUDIO with JPN SUBS BATMAN / バットマン アーカム・ナイト日本語版の英語音声と日本語字幕収録のお願い/ Petition to support the English audio with the Japanese subtitles in the Batman: Arkham Knight Japanese version

BE THE ENG AUDIO with JPN SUBS BATMAN / バットマン アーカム・ナイト日本語版の英語音声と日本語字幕収録のお願い/ Petition to support the English audio with the Japanese subtitles in the Batman: Arkham Knight Japanese version

Rocksteady Studios1人の別の宛先


署名の発信者 Arkham Fan

(English petition is under the japanese petition.)

日本で7月16日に発売が延期された「バットマン:アーカム・ナイト」ですが、前回の署名と日本のファンの声を受けRocksteady Studiosのガイ・パーキンス氏から日本語版でも英語音声が遊べるとの発表がありました、しかしながらその中で『“英語音声と英語字幕”、“日本語音声と日本語字幕”の組み合わせでしか遊べない』ことも明かされており、これを受け、『日本語版での“英語音声と日本語字幕”の収録』を訴えるキャンペーンを新たに始めるに至りました。





最後に、この素晴らしい三部作を作り上げてくださったRocksteady Studios及び関係者の皆様に最後にお礼を申し上げたいと思います、ありがとうございした。

英語音声と日本語音声の、組み合わせの収録を前向きに検討してくださりますよう、Rocksteady Studiosとワーナーゲームに対してお願い申し上げます。



Twitter @ArkhamFan_JPN


 First of all, on behalf of Japanese fans, I would like to thank Mr. Guy Perkins and Rocksteady Studios for your sincere response to our petition. We are very happy to know the English subtitles are available as well as the Japanese ones for the Batman: Arkham Knight Japanese version rescheduled to be released on July 16th.

One thing, however, has been bothering us since the announcement. In the words of Mr. Perkins, "We have Japanese AND English audio in the Japanese version. You can choose which you'd like. Subtitles will reflect that language choice..." and "subtitles, Japanese audio = Japanese subtitles." It sounds like that the Japanese subtitles are not available when a player chooses the English audio.

In previous releases (Asylum, City and Origins), each Japanese version came fully equipped with multisub options which allowed players to enjoy the game in English with the Japanese subtitles. In this release Batman: Arkham Knight, however, these options are not available. We're afraid that would ruin the integrity of the title and compromise the user friendliness in Japan.

Unlike other countries, we Japanese are pretty familiar with foreign movies (which are predominantly English ones) with Japanese subtitles. We appreciate them very much and in many cases, prefer to have them subtitled rather than dubbed in Japanese. This also holds true for video games.

Considering that Japanese subtitles have been a norm for foreign movies (and games as well) and fully appreciated here in Japan, that option surely have played an important role in establishing a solid fan base of the Batman series in Japan.

It's very important or even essential for us that the game allows a player to choose the English audio with the Japanese subtitles. I'm afraid that denying the choice (English audio with Japanese subtitles) would rather alienate the existing fan base that has been very loyal to the title since their original release than expand it.

We fully realize the enormity of this request which will involve some contractual and technical issues. Still we hope that you can understand the situation in Japan and kindly agree to some kind of arrangement, such as releasing the English audio with Japanese subtitles as a downloadable content or a part of future upgrades.

We would greatly appreciate it if you should consider making the option for English audio with Japanese subtitles available to us Japanese fans who have been very loyal to the Batman Arkham series since the release of Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Once again,I would like to express my gratitude for everyone who hascontributed to the creation of the amazing video game series. Thank you.

My twittter ID @ArkhamFan_JPN







  • Rocksteady Studios
  • ワーナーゲーム